Finally I got my name tag on my golf bag. Yes, I started golf lesson since last year and still continue it.
Start a new hobby opens new world and I enjoy this. Also having a mutual active hobby with the SO is fun.
Somehow, when it comes to women Golf gears, most of the items are vivid colors with lots of flowers or smileys... and I don't appreciate them much. And I found Adicross to be my shop to go! Very simple and stylish. On the other hand though, I use neon pink balls.
ところでなぜか女性のゴルフグッズって、派手な色や花柄・スマイル柄が多い気がしていて少し苦手。。。そんな中、アディダスのゴルフラインAdicross を見つけて、都会的なシンプルなカジュアルさがとてもつぼです。とかいって、ボールはネオンカラーのピンクを愛用していますが。。。長ーく続けていきたいと思っています。