It was one of my biggest surprises of this year that Anthropologie website for JP and Etsy JP launched. A friend just returned from the US back then, told me that every cute thing that she brought back from the US was from Anthropologie and Etsy (and TJ Max). And her home decoration amazed me. So it was decided that I was going to Anthropologie longbefore even landing California.
I love especially bedding or kitchen category from Anthropologie. It feels somehow magical when enter the store and you cannot help the desire of wanting them ALL! Maybe it's because of the candle they light... I don't know how many times I went to the store, to be honest especially to the space of SALE item. Eventually I realized that their SALE was continuously coming and almost anything in your wish list has a great chance to be on the SALE. So I stop (or try at least) buying with their list price.
Their design and colors are very feminine but not too girlish and attract mature grown-up girls (30s, 40s), I think. In Japanese design contrary if using pink or flowers, it becomes suddenly too much cute/girlish.
I was super happy that we brought back a beautiful mirror and many cushions from Anthropologie but more excited now that I can always buy them from Tokyo. No more excessively packed suite cases.
Well, I'd like to talk about Etsy in a different post. Until then...
今年の嬉しい驚きの中に、Anthropologie website for JP と Etsy JP の日本用のサイトがいつの間にかできていたことがありました!
当時、アメリカ帰りだった友人から、アメリカから持ち帰ってきた可愛いものは全部AnthropologieとEtsy(とTJ Max)で買ったものと聞き、そのお宅がめちゃめちゃステキだったこともあり、私はカリフォルニアに到着するだいぶ前から、Anthropologieに行くことを決めていました。